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Running Locally for Development

This documentation explains how to setup and run the app locally for development purposes. Running locally allows you to test changes and new features before deploying to production.


The app consists of two main parts - the frontend app located in app/ and the backend server located in server/. The frontend contains the UI and widgets while the backend handles the API and database.

To run everything locally, you need to:

  • Configure environment variables
  • Install dependencies
  • Build the frontend assets
  • Start the dev servers


Configure Redis

There are a few options for setting up Redis:

Running the Redis server locally

  • Install Redis. If you are on macOS, I strongly recommend using Homebrew by running: brew install redis
  • Run redis-server You should see information about the server, such as the port (for example 6379). Your Redis URL (i.e. DB_REDIS_URL) will be: redis://localhost:[PORT].

Running the Redis server using Upstash or Railway

Go to the official Upstash or Railway website and follow the instructions to create a Redis server. You should obtain a URL, which will be your DB_REDIS_URL.

Configure PostgreSQL

Dialoqbase requires a PostgreSQL database with pgvector installed. If you don't have a PostgreSQL database, I recommend spinning up a docker container with the following command:

docker run -d --name pgvector -p 5432:5432 ankane/pgvector:latest

If you already have a PostgreSQL database, you can install pgvector by following the instructions here

Once you have a PostgreSQL database with pgvector installed, you need to create a database and a user. You can do this by running the following commands:

  • Go to the /server folder

    npx prisma migrate deploy

    note: This is a one-time command. Do not run it again unless you want to reset the database.

Set the DATABASE_URL environment variable to the URL of your PostgreSQL database. The URL should look something like this: postgresql://[USER]:[PASSWORD]@[HOST]:[PORT]/[DATABASE].

Steps to Run Locally

  1. Rename the example environment variable files located at app/ui/, app/widget/, and server/ to .env and comment out all of the variables inside of them.

  2. Configure properly the environment variables. The ones located inside of the app folder can be used by default, but you must change the environment variables inside of the server/ folder:

    • DATABASE_URL is the URL of the PostgreSQL database
    • DB_REDIS_URL should be set to the Redis URL. See the previous section for more details.
    • OPENAI_API_KEY is the OpenAI API key
    • DB_SECRET_KEY is a random key that you can set to whatever you want
  3. Run yarn install in the main folder, app/ui/, app/widget/, app/script/ and in the server/ folder to install dependencies.

  4. Run yarn build in the main folder to build the frontend assets.

  5. Use the following commands for this step:

    • Move the built frontend assets to the backend:

      mv app/ui/dist server/dist/public
    • Move the built widget code to the backend:

      mv app/widget/dist/index.html server/dist/public/bot.html
    • Copy the widget assets to the backend:

      cp -r app/widget/dist/assets/* server/dist/public/assets/
  6. Run pnpm dev in the main folder and in the server/ folder to start the dev servers.

    • If you don't have pnpm installed, you can install it globally with npm install -g pnpm
    • If you don't have yarn installed, you can install Yarn globally with npm install -g yarn

Now you should be able to access the frontend at localhost:5173 and the backend API at localhost:3000. As you make code changes, the servers will reload and reflect the updates. But if you make changes to the widget, you will need to run the asset copy command again to update the widget assets in the backend.

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